Monday, April 15, 2024

get em young but not too young.

Relationship acquirement is not as simple as one would expect.  Young teen girls looking like mid 20 year olds and slightly older are out there brushing against older men at an alarming rate. Even if you say go away little girl they will keep pestering you and if you push back they bark rape and even if you did not do anything the rep damage and court and expense. Will dern near  bury you. 
➕️ plus any press around it will have many with a slightly raised eye brow. Even the  it's really difficult to repair your rep.
Now then: I  have always been troubled with being able to judge the true 👍 age of the female species.  When I was a young 🐺 wolf I went after female possible that was at minimum 20 years my senior. Back then it wasn't such a big deal.  Young boy goes after older women as it is perceived to be more experienced in bedroom activities. The movie Summer of 42 is a great example. 👍 Of course now it's casting talent and with women in my age group not available it's look to younger. But how do you determine just how young they are? It's not as if the sweet little vixens are wearing an ID tag on their collar.  Some of the predominant religious groups around our area say don't go there or that it's a no man's area. I always remind them that even Brigham Young was shacking up with 12 year olds . That usually shuts them up
 But even in some other Church circles it's frowned upon. Example. Don't read anything into this ain't done anything about it yet. But at our Church, there  is a very attractive and very intelligent young gal that is at the legal tender age that wouldn't mind spending quality time with.  But considering my current administration and personal circumstances right now that would not work.  However, on a vocational basis it would be cool as the young angel has a singing voice and would be great on air.  Of which I'm working on.  But what if ? Face it available not too used up women my age that would not mind spending time with a wild wolf like myself is very few, rare, and not too well done.
So what do you do? 
I enrolled onto a site of Romantic encounters called Ashley which is a data base of women that wants to do partying.  Okay it ain’t purrfect but hey you hunt where there is game..
So what is up with women that list themselves to be a cheating person? Isn't the old man making her wet anymore? Whats up? And why?
Follow me on the air as we explore this subject. 
HazzardAyre Radio 📻 this afternoon on KSOA AM and on